Dissertation Writing

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Designing Your Dissertation’s Results Section

After accomplishing your tough task of extensive research on your dissertation, you will require to come up with satisfying results for your dissertation. It is an excellent task of handling and analyzing these results. Let’s walk through writing up the results section.

How to write quantitative results

  1. Comprehending the fundamentals of the research

    For one to write up the results in the right manner, the basic understanding and recall of basic research-related questions are critical. Here, a recollection of what one has accessed and the process of determining if your variables are continuous or categorical is key.

  2. Outlining descriptive and frequencies statistics

    One uses descriptive and frequencies statistics to come up with a summary of all the sets of data you’ve obtained. One performs the steps by basing on the group as a whole or as a part. Providing a proper outline of all variables used in research by noting whether they are continuous or categorical will aid in reporting these statistics.

  3. Reporting the results of a correlation analysis

    Basically, from your statistical tests, you will need to report the outcome from each test. The very first of these is a correlation. You can start by determining whether there is a normal distribution of the given variables. For example, you might want to consider if the height of a participant correlates with levels of self-esteem. Summarizing the main results on a table can also be a perfect option.

  4. Reporting regression results

    The analysis of regression is a bit more complex. The provision of a report of the meeting of assumptions is required. To meet the assumptions, you should establish the following:

    Ensure that no tolerance statistics is below 0 and no VIF statistics is past 10 for the assumption of no multi-collinearity.

    The above and more others may sound a bit complex, but all you need is to check on the output results for noting the VIF values, Tolerance, etc.

    In a case where the assumptions are not met, then there is a need to go further in understanding. To get through these, you can check out on a range of sources about regression.

    In reporting the results of the actual regression analysis, you will first of all report whether the model attained some sought of importance in predicting the related scores.

  5. Reporting the results of a chi-square analysis

    Chi-square analysis relies on categorical variables. When providing a report of your results, then you must come up with a simple table as well. You will need to show the results of a chi-square test by clearly identifying the Pearson chi-square value, significance value, and the value of freedom. In the end, you will require a report on the strength of the association. Therefore, you need to check out on Cramer’s V values as well as the Phi values.

  6. Reporting the results of a t-test analysis

    Reporting the results of the t-test analysis may sound complex as well. You conduct the test to determine the presence of clear-cut differences between the two groups’ dependent variable continuous and independent variable categorical.

  7. Reporting the results of one-way ANOVA

    One-way to use ANOVA is making a comparison of more than two means. The reason for such is basing on cases where there are two conditions of a continuous dependent variable and a categorical independent variable.

  8. Writing of qualitative results

    It is not as detailed and complex but involves understanding research basics, reporting interview results, reporting observation results, and reporting the results of focus groups.

On completion of the results section of your detailed dissertation, you will have nailed it. It will feel a sigh of relief. Right? As discussed, the writing of quantitative results seems much tougher than the qualitative way. Write up your results and finalize with the dissertation.